Thursday, November 27, 2008

Chesney's first agility trial

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Finally I have time to update my blog and tell you all how our first agility trial went. Let me start by saying we had a really good time! Chesney's first course was jumpers and she did pretty good in that one, completing every obstacle but coming in under the time allowed. Of course, that one we did not get on video because I told my "videographer" the wrong way to record on my camera. The next course was tunnelers, and after first thinking she was going to be afraid of all tunnels, Chesney finally completed most of them. The second day we went in the regular course which has jumps, an A-frame, a dog-walk, tunnels and weave poles. She did the first five obstacles and I cut her short coming off the A-frame so she decided to take this opportunity to visit the judge, then the scoring table, then the pole setters. She finally came back and did another few jumps and the dog-walk and pretty much blew the rest of the course in favor of visiting and just running around in general. The next jumpers course, Chesney got distracted again and visited the scoring table, but did most of the jumps. The last course was tunnelers and she did it fairly well, refusing one tunnel altogether, and then after some thought, finished the rest of the course. She is a terrier you know!! And, I didn't feel too bad as some of the elite proficient dogs had moments of distraction as well. We had a great time though, and can't wait to go to another trial. We had our final class for the season last Monday, and we're both kind of sad about that because we've made some great friends between our instructors and fellow classmates.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


It was a veryyyyy coldddd day on Saturday, but Chesney wasn't about to miss her practice runs for agility! She ran in the regular course and did a great job! She wasn't sure about the weave poles-they look a lot different when they are in a straight line with no guides! She thought about trying it, but decided things just did not look right and went on to the next obstacle. She took one of the tunnels backwards, but when Mom insisted, she went back and did it correctly. She did all the other obstacles perfectly! A little later, Chesney ran in the tunnelers course and nailed it perfectly!! Obviously her mom is very proud of her accomplishments and we are both excited about the "real deal" trial this coming weekend.
The other students in Chesney's Monday night class that participated in the fun run did very well too. Chesney is entered for Sunday in the novice regular, tunnelers and jumpers divisions and we've decided to go ahead and run the same courses on Saturday too. We'll see you there!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Chesney's a model

Chesney has secured a modeling job! At All Creatures Pet Hospital, we added Lupine collars and leashes to our retail inventory. Chesney received a free collar and leash because we were a new retailer and modeled her new "clothes" for our website. As you can see, she is very proud of her new look. The style is called the "Suzie Q".
Chesney has also received both NADAQ and her AKC numbers so she is now eligible to compete in rally obedience and agility classes. We missed the deadline for rally obedience entries for next weekend, but are planning on entering the NADAQ trial here in Springfield in mid-November. She is continuing practicing and learning at Paws Express Agility and cannot wait for her showring debut!! Lets just hope her mother can keep up with her!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Back to Blogging

Hello all!! It's been a while since I posted anything on here as you have all noticed and made me very aware of... I'll be posting new pictures soon. Chesney is progressing well in her agility classes. Last night she only went off course one time to visit her classmates and the teachers who give her treats! She is going to compete in an agility trial in November in Springfield and also in a Rally Obedience Trial in Springfield in October. We've been working on our little book of rally obstacles at home and may start going to a rally class Valerie is teaching so we're ready for our debut! It's been a long summer-my only son graduated high school, went to Texas for the summer and is now attending college and living on campus at SBU in Bolivar. I have a wonderful man in my life now who is willing most times to put up with my menagerie. We've even acquired a dog that was dumped out where he lives and two new horses! My poor old kitty Motts, who was profiled earlier, had to move into kitty heaven, and I lost a very dear horse to a sudden illness. Wishbone continues to do well and his GME seems to remain under control, although he is completely blind. Stand by for more postings...

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Chesney is sad....

Little Miss Chesney is convinced that her mother doen't love her anymore. She started having some questionable stools Monday afternoon at her Grandma's house. These progressed to accidents in the house, which she almost NEVER does, to including blood yesterday morning. She visited her favorite doctor yesterday, who prescribed medication to make her better. (I might add that she doesn't act a bit sick!) Then, she vomited before we left work, so her favorite doctor ordered no food until this morning. Therefore, Chesney is convinced that either I am losing my sanity by forgetting to feed her, or that I have just become a mean old mom who doesn't really love her. She did get a small meal of I/D this morning with her meds and I've never seen her eat something so fast. No more accidents though!! I took this picture of her this morning. Doesn't she look mistreated?

Thought I'd also write a bit about my latest problem child. His name is Frisco and I've had him about a year and a half now. He came from the CARE Shelter in Springfield but I adopted him from one of our clients at work. I love orange cats! Frisco is missing his left front leg. We don't know what happened to it, but he doesn't seem bothered a bit by its absence. He manages to wash both sides of his face equally well with just one front foot. He also manages to jump up on the kitchen counter, then to the top of the fridge, then to the top of the cabinets with no problem at all. I might add that he is one of only three cats who have ever gotten up there. They all know they are not supposed to be on the kitchen counter, let alone any higher up. I noticed a few weeks ago that Frisco had begun to lose weight. He was never extremely overweight, but none of my cats are on the thin side. After checking bloodwork, we discovered that I now have my second diabetic cat. What rotten luck! He's now on a special diet, which is fun with all the other cats in the house. Frisco does not enjoy eating alone locked in the bathroom, insisting on my company to get him to eat his full meal so that he can receive his insulin injection. things seem to be going rather well. He's just a bit more time consuming than my other diabetic cat, but he's such a sweetheart. He's definitely worth the extra effort!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

More ice...

Today was a day off for me, but since the ice is here again, I'm staying in. Thought this would be a good day to add to my blog. This is my oldest cat, Motts. She's around 18 years old now, hyperthyroid, and will only eat soft food. I got her as a tiny kitten from a barn where I was boarding my horses. She was one of the survivors of a litter of kittens that were played with a little too much by the owner's Labrador. She's a very opinionated gal, as I have discovered that most calico cats are. She has no use for any of the dogs and puts them in their places accordingly. They have pretty much learned that she is not to be messed with. The other cats show her plenty of respect too. She's never been a cuddly cat, unless it's her idea of course. She demands to be fed, but mostly just sleeps on her favorite afghan.

This is my first horse, and oldest, Rocky Ridge Emin. He has a variety of nicknames: Mean Bean, Beaners. We come up with some pretty crazy names for our pets, don't we? I bought Emin just before he turned two years old, in May of 1982. I was working for Anchor Hill Ranch in Rogersville at the time. It was my first exposure to Arabian horses, and I knew immediately that there would be no other breed of horse for me. Emin actually came from Rocky Ridge Ranch, which was next door to Anchor Hill. He is of Egyptian bloodlines, a grandson of Al Metrabbi. These horses have the most wonderful temperments, and most all have that Anchor Hill "look". Emin and I learned a lot together. I broke him to ride bareback since I couldn't afford a saddle at the time. I would still rather ride him bareback. His gaits are all very smooth. He was a very easy boy to train: he sidepasses, jumps low jumps, and does almost any type of trail obstacle. He was shown halter and western mostly, and hunt seat once or twice. His first show was a little 4-state show at Neosho. Red Beyers was the judge and he won his halter and his western class. Red was pretty partial to those Anchor Hill horses. Emin doesn't go much of anywhere now, just on slow easy trail rides. I ride him every year in the parade at the Fair Grove Heritage Reunion in September. No one can believe how good he looks for his age. He is in great shape and has rarely been ill. He loves to be brushed and most of all...fed! He could put on weight just looking at a green pasture! He's been my best horse buddy and will definitely be irreplaceable. He will celebrate his 28th birthday in June.

Friday, February 8, 2008

**** VOTE****Pet Idol Contest****VOTE****

Hey everyone!! Chesney just entered the Springfield News-Leader's Pet Idol contest. She is pet #24. No campaign promises, except that she'll be the cutest one to win! She's counting on your vote.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I'm very new at this blog thing, but here goes. One of my two pictures so far is of Wishbone. He's almost ten years old and now is totally blind due to a disease called GME (granulomatusmeningoencephalytis), which attacked his ocular system. He was diagnosed about 4 1/2 years ago and thanks to Dr. Lance Blackburn at All Creatures Pet Hospital (who suspected that this disease was what was going on with Wishbone) and also thanks to the veterinary staff at the University of Missouri at Columbia, especailly Dr. Gia Klaus. This disease commonly attacks the central nervous system of a dog and they usually pass away within a few days. Wishbone gets chemotherapy treatments every three weeks and takes a low maintenance dose of prednisolone and remains a healthy and happy boy! His new little sister, Chesney came home with me from HorseFest last spring. She is quite a girl! She loves everybody and loves to have fun! She tackles all her cats at home and believes that someday Wishbone really will want to play with her. He doesn't mind her too much, but draws the line when she gets too insistent. Chesney has gone through a beginner's obedience class and began her first course of agility last fall. She really has fun with that and cannot wait until it starts up again. She has some dog friends who have agility equipment at their house and jsut went over to play last weekend. I'll get some pictures of that playday up soon.