Saturday, Chesney and I went up to Pomme de Terre lake to visit our friends Lindsay and Jay and their children who were camping there for the weekend. Chesney got her first experience riding on a boat and swimming in the lake. She was not especially impressed about the swimming part, even with her life jacket. She pretty much attached herself to me while in the water. I got her a floatie cushion to sit on , which was ok as long as she could lean against me too. She was also not impressed when anyone in the boat jumped into the water, especially when I did. Lindsay thought she was going in after me, but she just couldn't bring herself to jump in on purpose. Those handles on the dog life jackets come in very handy for putting a small dog down into the water! She seemed to like the actual boat ride though. The campsite was fun too. She jumped right in the camper and made herself at home and enjoyed laying out in the grass near the campfire while those hamburgers cooked. All in all, I think she really enjoyed herself, but was definitely ready to come home and get some rest and recover from her big adventure.
sounds like fun!
Yeah Chez, we'll make a water dog out of you in time.
You look great in your life jacket.
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