Monday, November 16, 2009

The Greater Ozarks NADAC Agility Trial

Chesney had an absolutely wonderful time this weekend at the trial! She has improved so much since this same time last year. She's much more focused, though she still likes to try to visit the scribes, the judge and the bar setters in the ring. She's finding out that they are all snobs and won't talk to her though, so by the end of the weekend it was becoming not quite so exciting. I entered her in ten runs this weekend, five each day. She had a total of 6-1st place ribbons, 2-2nd place ribbons, and 3 runs were actually qualifying runs. The qualifying runs were in novice jumpers-both days, and tunnelers-the first day. She was eliminated in one round of the standard courses on Saturday, and in the chances course on Sunday. The chances course has a distance line that the handler cannot cross while the dog continues the obstacles across the line with the handler's guidance and strangely enough, Chesney decided not to take the tunnel on her own. Chesney loves tunnels! She did very well on several discriminations where she had to take the A-frame rather than the tunnel or the dog-walk rather than the tunnel. She is listening so well and really watching my body language. I think by the end of the weekend though, she was definitely getting tired. She left the ring on her own after completing the tunnelers course without waiting for me. She was headed back to her crate all by herself! Of course, that is a no-no, but apparently the judge didn't notice that she left without her leash or me. It is all very exciting! I am so proud of my little girl! We've just got to perfect those weave poles! Once we get those accomplished, she'll do very well I think as long as I direct her correctly. Our next agility trial is in Tulsa the first weekend in December. We're looking forward to that one as well!
We also want to extend congratulations to Nicki and Legend who finished a title and got several legs this weekend. They are definitely an inspiration to Chesney and I. And, congratualtions are in order for all of our other classmates at Paws Epress Agility who competed in this weekend's trial

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